Move Well Physiotherapy



LEVEL 1 –  5 reps then move on to level 2

LEVEL 2 –  5 reps then move on to level 2

LEVEL 3 –  5 reps then move on to level 2

LEVEL 4 –  5 reps on level 4 – well done!

PLANK TEST – hold the plank with proper form as long as you can


1.  Level 1

Lie down on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Keep your arms straight out next to your body. This test requires you to sit up from this position without lifting your heels up off of the ground. Keep your hands stretched out next to your side.

If you can do this for 5 reps easily you can move on to level 2

level 1

2. Level 2

 Lie flat on your back with your legs straight and your arms resting on your quadriceps. Keeping heels on the ground, lift your torso up, keeping your back straight and sliding your hands up over your knees as you lift your torso up.

If you can do this with proper form you can move on to level 3

level 2

3. Level 3

Hug your shoulders so that your right hand is hugging your left shoulder and visa versa. Lie flat on your back like level 2. Lift your torso up without lifting your heels up off of the ground so that you are in a sitting position. Keep your back straight and your arms crossed at your chest.

If you can do this while keeping perfect form you can move on to level 4

level 3

4. Level 4

Lie flat on your back with your legs straight and your hands extended behind your head, your hands should be touching one another. Lift your torso up, and the KEY to this level is to keep your arms next to your ears throughout the movement. That means your shoulders, neck and head all move up as one unit.

5 reps on level 4 – well done!

level 4

5. Plank Test

Place your forearms on the ground with your elbows aligned below the shoulders, and arms parallel to the body at shoulder-width distance. Clasp your hands together. Ground the toes into the floor and squeeze the glutes to stabililise the body. Your legs should be working too. Do not hyper-extend or lock your knees. Neutralize the neck and the spine by looking at a spot on the floor, your head should be in line with your back.

Hold the plank with proper form as long as you can

plank test

Re-test in 4 weeks – good luck!