Falls Prevention

Falls prevention is the education of how to reduce falling and rehabilitation to prevent your loss of balance.

A fall is a term used to describe an incident which results in a person coming to rest accidentally on the ground, floor or other lower level.

According to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care: “Hip fracture significantly increases an older person’s risk of death, with one in four people dying within 12 months after a hip fracture injury. Of those who survive, many lose their ability to live independently or return to their former lifestyle.”
While all people who fall are at risk of injury, the age, gender and health of the individual can affect the type and severity of injury.

Move Well Rivervale Physiotherapists will use a variety of strengthening, balance and functional movement techniques to improve function and quality of life. Associated therapy might include fall prevention techniques, stretches, exercises, strengthening and what to do when you have had a fall.

At Move Well Physiotherapy, you are in good hands.

For further information please call us on (08) 9361 4041 or click below to book online
111 Orrong Road, Rivervale, WA, 6103
Email – rivervale@movewell.com.au

We are on the corner of Orrong Road and Francisco Street. Plenty of free patient parking at the rear of the clinic.