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Patello-Femoral Joint Pain

Patello-femoral joint pain is thought to be a major component in over 80% of all knee pain. Patello-femoral joint pain can occur in both children and adults and usually responds extremely well to physiotherapy treatment. Scientific research has confirmed that physiotherapy intervention is the most effective long-term solution for kneecap pain. Approximately 90% of patello-femoral syndrome sufferers will be pain-free within six weeks of starting a physiotherapist guided rehabilitation program. For those who fails to respond, surgery may be required to repair any severely [...]

Swimmers Shoulder

Swimmers Shoulder is a general term used to describe impingement pain occurring at the shoulder as a result of swimming. Swimmers Shoulder can occur in both social and serious swimmers and is not an uncommon problem, with the USA Olympic team in the 1980’s having more than 90% of their squad affected by swimmers shoulder at the one time. What is Swimmers Shoulder? Swimmers Shoulder is pain occurring around the front shoulder region as the result of repetitive overuse with usually the overhead strokes [...]

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